I have always been a big girl. Growing up my family's nickname for me was "gorda" (fattie). Although for my family it might have been intended to be a term of endearment, it is something I realize I internalized and rather became deep a source of shame. I was always hyper-aware of how my body existed in different spaces and how I can hide it because I grew to believe that it was the only thing people ever saw. According to the BMI scale, I have been obese since the age of 12, and at every yearly physical, my doctor never failed to remind me. Add on the years of extremely toxic and fad weight loss methods that led me to develop a binge eating disorder at 14 years old. My pillows carry millions of tears due to the mere existence of my body. I wish I had seen more spaces and projects like this growing up, maybe my journey wouldn't have been as hard. I want my art to be a vessel in the disruption of these harmful spaces. Everybody deserves to be celebrated, no matter how YOU chose to exist in this world.